Warm Weather Uniform:
The warm weather uniform for girls/boys in Gr. 1-6 consists of the official EBCCS polo shirt, dress shorts (NOT gym shorts). Boys may wear the uniform shorts or dress pants. Jr. High girls may wear their polo shirt with the uniform skirt or the regulation dress shorts.
Students may wear the regular uniform at any time during the year.
Boys Grades 1-8: Light Blue shirts, ties, and navy pants, EBCCS emblem sweater.
Girls Grades 1-5: Jumper, uniform blouse, criss-cross tie, and EBCCS emblem regulation sweater.
Middle School Girls 6-8: Uniform blouse or EBCCS Polo shirt with the plaid skirt; EBCCS emblem or embroidered sweater or vest.
BOYS: Haircuts must be short. Hair should not be growing over ears or eyes. If your son's hair is long or straggly, we ask you to please get him an appropriate haircut over the weekend.
GIRLS: Make up, frosted/dyed/extreme hairstyles, jewelry are NOT allowed at anytime at any grade level.
Snacks are available daily at recess time. Students are asked to pay at the time of purchase.
Students may bring bag lunches to school. But these lunches must come in with the children in the morning. We ask parents NOT to bring food from restaurants such as McDonalds at lunchtime. This can be upsetting for children whose parents cannot do the same. In fairness to all, we ask students to either eat the lunches provided by our school or bring bag lunches with them in the morning.
Students must report each day at 8:00AM. Dismissal for Grades 1-5 is 2:20; 6- 8 is 2:40; and Early Learning Center and K2 dismissal is 2:10pm.
The suspension of classes because of inclement weather will be announced on local TV stations and through our instant alert system.
EBCCS attendance policy requires that excessive absenteeism (25-30 days) may result in grade retention. Tardiness is also considered a serious matter. Students must report each day at 8:00 AM.
There are various noon dismissal days during the school year. These early dismissals include: Faculty meeting days, report card conference days; etc. Noon dismissal days are considered JUST AS IMPORTANT as full day sessions. Between the hours of 8:00 - 12:00, major subjects are taught. Therefore, all students must be present on these days.
There are official holidays and vacation built into our calendar. Therefore, trips and vacations should be planned during these time periods. UNSCHEDULED VACATIONS are discouraged. Children lose valuable instructional time that very often is impossible to make-up.
Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Break
Martin Luther King Day
February Winter Break
Good Friday
Spring Break April Vacation
Memorial Day